The internet has many uses and advantages. But as always, there will be a disadvantage(or abuses). Here, we will be discussing on some of these disadvantages in our day to day lives...... So here we go: 1. E-mail S pamming : also known as junk email , is a type of electronic spam where unsolicited messages are sent by email. Many email spam messages are commercial in nature but may also contain disguised links that appear to be for familiar websites but in fact lead to phishing web sites or sites that are hosting malware. On viewing such e-mails or downloading the attachments, you might unknowingly invite viruses into your system and harm it. 2. Hacking : Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network inside a computer. Simply put, it is the unauthorized access to or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose. What a hackers Basically do is to get i...