Tips On Staying Safe On The Internet (Creating strong and complex passwords)

As we already know that the internet has so many danger in the internet, we will be giving tips on how to stay safe.

In This Post We Will giving Tips on choosing and creating a strong and complex password 

1. Use lots of quirky character types. One way hackers crack passwords is by using sophisticated password-cracking software to test combinations of numbers, letters and symbols for your credentials. It can require a lot of computing power to do, but for shorter passwords, it’s a pretty reliable hacking method.
The more types of weird symbols—like !@$%—that your password has, the greater number of tries a computer has to take to guess your credentials. And some sites have features that block multiple password attempts, meaning the more complex your password is, the more likely a hacker will get locked out before their software guesses the right code.
2. Don’t use dictionary words. Passwords with common words or phrases ones are the first to fall to increasingly adept password-cracking software. Passwords like “Iloveyou” and “password” are not a dependable line of defense.
3. Use different passwords on different accounts. If you use the same password twice, it’s an invitation for hackers to double-dip into your data. Mix things up to stay safe.
4. Use two-factor authentication. Even hackers that have stolen your passwords aren’t going to easily access your accounts if you follow this tip. Two-factor authentication requires you to know something (your password), and to have something (a phone with a code, for instance).
Gmail’s two-factor authentication is a good example of how this works: after entering your password, Gmail sends a code to your phone, which you then enter for access to your email. Unless hackers have both your password and have stolen your phone, this is a major roadblock.
5. Use a password manager. A password manager creates a random, different password for every site you visit, and then saves them for you. Dashlane and LastPass are good examples of password managers.
6. Create a passphrase. Think of a sentence, then codify it. As an example, “I love skateboarding and reading” becomes “I<3sk8b0rd1ng&r3ad1ng”. That way, your password is complex but still easy for you to remember.
Remember take your password as your toothbrush don't give it to anyone


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